Press Release

TCI's "Effective Clean Beauty" has won Concours Lépine 2022 invention competition

TCI Co., Ltd. obtained 1 bronze with the concept of “Effective Clean Beauty” at the Concours Lepine International that closed on May 9 in Paris. The Concours Lepine International Paris, which has been held since 1901, is one of the world’s most prestigious invention fairs.

TCI is committed to sustainability and has been actively engaged insustainable management since 2017. In addition to building green factory and investing inenvironmentally friendly technology, this year TCI also launched its newest concept, TCI-Effective Clean Beauty, which provides effective products and promotes productsthat are environmentally friendly from the inside out.

We use highly sustainable, seasonal and space-independentplant stem cell technologyto extractsafe, high purity and high qualityingredients forour skincare science. We also usenaturally fermented 100% biodegradable mask and biodegradable liner.

Environmental issues have always been a concern for TCI, and marine pollution is also an important issue. According to statistics, 8 million tons of plastic flow into the ocean every year. Thus, we have designed a more environmentally friendly material for the package. TCI’s mask packages are made with PCR materials, some of which are sourced from the ocean, reducing the impact of plastic on the ocean. In order to reduce, reuse, and recycle, the bottles are made of 100% PCR material and are made of a single material tofacilitate recycling.

Lastly, in terms offactory planning and manufacturing processes, TCI is dedicated to every detail. Since 2018, TCI has been conducting annual ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventories for all factories and using voluntary carbon standards to achieve factory-widePAS 2060 carbon neutrality through air conditioning energy-saving improvement programs, and forestation programs. At the same time, TCI’s factory is certified as green building in theUS, utilizing solar energy asmotive power, enabling the entire production process to be energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, TCI is proud to be one of the few Asiancompaniesto be included in the RE100 and EP100. TCI-Effective Clean Beauty is derived from TCI’s spirit ofcreating high-performance products, insisting on ensuring that products are environmentally friendly from the inside out, making beauty more sustainable.

  • The mask and liner are biodegradable, and the mask will be completely decomposed within two months.
  • The packaging material is made of PCR material. The overall CO2 emission of the bag processis reduced by 38.5%, and the CO2 emission of the bottle is reduced by at least 60%. The bottle is a single material design, which can directly enter the recycling system.
  • Solar power generates 960,000 kWh per year and reduces CO2 by nearly 780,000 kg. In addition to energy saving and carbon reduction, it can also improve the air environment by decreasing nitride, sulfide and micro-dust by up to 40,000 kg.
  • The plant has obtained PAS2060 certification for carbon neutrality, and the carbon emissions from the plant were offset and neutralized by buying carbon credits in compliance with the standards of Voluntary Emission Reductions(VERs) and the Gold Standardset forth in the Kyoto Protocolto achieve carbon neutrality. Effective Clean Beauty
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